“Whap!” I didn’t even see the hit coming. That sound and the stinging pain were simultaneous. It took place as I was hanging a unit up between two cows when the cow behind me gave...
Safety in the workplace is important for you, your animals, and your employees alike. Like many of you, my children often accompany me at work, and many times that means time in the milk barn
The age-old joke surrounding holidays is that they’re filled with stress from old family squabbles and new family drama. Is that true? Are most people’s holidays filled with dread and anxiety?
We all scream for ice cream! That popular saying is commonly heard around summertime when ice cream is the go-to item at summer gatherings and the perfect sweet treat on a hot afternoon
With 167 producing completed cow records, the Hoard’s Dairyman Farm earned the 2016 Commercial Herd Award from the American Guernsey Association (AGA). The herd averaged 22,138 pounds of milk
With 167 producing completed cow records, the Hoard’s Dairyman Farm earned the 2016 Commercial Herd Award from the American Guernsey Association (AGA). The herd averaged 22,138 pounds of milk 4.7...
Hearing my 4-year-old daughter Daphne say the word “chrysalis” always makes me smile. First, because she so carefully articulates the word. Second, because I’m proud that she knows exactly...
Calving can be a challenging time for a cow. But the issues go beyond giving birth. Around freshening, the dairy cow is struggling with net energy, protein, and mineral imbalances